10 Practical Tips to Elevate Your Plant-Based Culinary Skills


Transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle isn't just a dietary shift; it's an opportunity to unlock a world of flavorful, wholesome, and innovative cooking from around the globe. To help you become a master in the plant-based kitchen, we've compiled ten practical tips to take your plant-based culinary skills to the next level.

Add Flavor with Homemade Vegetable Broth

Elevate your dishes by starting with a flavorful base. Create your own vegetable broth by simmering onions, carrots, celery, garlic, and herbs. Freeze in batches for convenient use in soups, stews, and sauces. I love to save bits and pieces of leftover vegetables and throw them into a bag in the freezer. When it's full I make vegetable broth. 

Diversify Your Protein

Explore tempeh, seitan, lentils, and chickpea flour. Each protein comes with its unique texture and taste, providing a palette for creating hearty and satisfying plant-based dishes.

Look for unique ways to incorporate protein into your day. For example, use chia seeds and/or hemp seeds for breakfast in your smoothie or oatmeal. At lunch try a salad with quinoa and at dinner try some jackfruit tacos.

Beans and tofu are great go-to protein sources, but try mixing it up to give yourself variety. 

Spice It Up

Create your own spice blends to add depth to your dishes. Mix together smoked paprika, cumin, garlic powder, and oregano for a versatile and flavorful seasoning that can be used in various recipes. Try this ⬇️

Smoked Paprika: Adds a smoky, earthy flavor to the blend, bringing depth to both savory and mildly spicy dishes.

Cumin: Offers a warm and slightly nutty taste, enhancing the overall richness of the blend. Cumin is a staple in many cuisines and contributes to a well-rounded profile.

Garlic Powder: Introduces a savory and robust garlic essence without the moisture content of fresh garlic. This ensures even distribution and long shelf life for your spice blend.

Oregano: Infuses a hint of herbal and slightly peppery notes, providing a Mediterranean touch. Oregano complements the other spices, creating a harmonious balance.

Creating a well-balanced spice blend is about finding the right proportions. Consider starting with the following ratios and adjust to your taste preferences:

2 parts Smoked Paprika

2 parts Cumin

1 part Garlic Powder

1 part Oregano

Experiment with quantities and additional spices to tailor the blend to your taste preferences. Creating your spice blend not only adds a personal touch to your dishes but also allows you to explore the world of flavor combinations. 

Explore Umami-Rich Ingredients

Enhance savory flavors by incorporating umami-rich ingredients like nutritional yeast, miso paste, and tamari. These additions provide a depth of flavor that mimics the richness of animal-based ingredients. Umami, often referred to as the fifth taste, adds a savory depth to dishes. Incorporating umami-rich ingredients in your plant-based cooking can elevate the taste profile of your meals. Here are some key umami-packed additions and examples:

Nutritional Yeast: Sprinkle nutritional yeast on popcorn, pasta, or roasted vegetables for a cheesy, umami kick. It's also an excellent addition to plant-based cheese sauces.

Miso Paste: Create a flavorful miso soup by combining miso paste with seaweed, tofu, and green onions. Use miso in marinades for tofu or tempeh for a savory boost.

Tamari (or Soy Sauce): Use tamari in stir-fries, dressings, or as a dipping sauce for sushi rolls. Its rich, salty flavor enhances the overall taste of your dishes.

Dried Mushrooms: Rehydrate dried mushrooms and incorporate them into risottos, stews, or pasta dishes. The soaking liquid can also be used as a broth for added depth.

Tomato Paste: Enhance the flavor of soups, stews, and sauces by adding a spoonful of tomato paste. It brings a concentrated umami richness to various recipes.

Seaweed (Nori, Kombu): Add crumbled nori to salads, rice dishes, or soups. Kombu, a type of seaweed, can be used in broths to infuse a deep umami essence.

By incorporating these umami-rich ingredients into your plant-based repertoire, you'll discover a world of complex flavors that can transform your dishes into culinary masterpieces. Experiment with these samples and find your perfect balance of umami in each recipe!

Create Creaminess with  Nut-Based Sauces

Master the art of creamy plant-based sauces using cashews or other nuts. Soak and blend them with water to create a versatile base for pasta sauces, dressings, and even plant-based cheesecakes. 

Beyond their texture, nut-based sauces bring nutritional richness. Nuts offer healthy fats, protein, and an array of vitamins and minerals, enhancing the nutritional profile of your dishes.


Don't discard that chickpea brine! Aquafaba, the liquid from canned chickpeas, can be whipped into peaks to replace egg whites in recipes, making it a versatile egg substitute for meringues, mousses, and more.

Make Your Own Dressings

Create vibrant, delicious, and easy dressings using ingredients like olive oil, balsamic vinegar, Dijon mustard, maple syrup, and tahini. These dressings add a burst of flavor to salads and roasted vegetables without compromising health.

Knife Skills

Sharpen your knife skills to increase efficiency in the kitchen. Learn proper chopping techniques to achieve uniform cuts, ensuring even cooking and a professional presentation.

Mastering knife skills is fundamental to efficient and precise plant-based cooking. The right knife can make a world of difference in your kitchen, enhancing your ability to create uniform cuts and ensuring safety. Here's a detailed guide on picking the right knife:

Chef's Knife: A versatile, all-purpose knife with a broad blade and a sharp, tapered edge. Typically 8-10 inches long. It is ideal for chopping, slicing, and dicing fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Use a chef's knife to julienne carrots for stir-fries or to chop herbs for garnishes.

Paring Knife: A smaller knife with a pointed tip, usually 3-4 inches long. It is perfect for intricate tasks like peeling, trimming, and detailed cutting. Use a paring knife to peel and slice garlic or to remove seeds from small fruits.

Serrated Knife: Features a serrated edge, often 8-10 inches long. A serrated knife is ideal for slicing through soft-skinned fruits and vegetables without crushing them. Use a serrated knife to slice tomatoes, bread, or delicate cakes.

These are the three must-have knives for success in a plant-based kitchen.

Also, using a wooden cutting board like bamboo will help you master chopping skills more quickly.

Master Tofu

Achieve that coveted firm and chewy tofu texture by investing in a tofu press. Pressing removes excess water, allowing the tofu to absorb flavors better when marinating or cooking. Another way to get the chewy texture is to freeze your tofu. When tofu is on sale, buy extra and freeze it! Not only will you save money, you'll have a nicer tofu texture. Also, make sure you are getting firm or extra firm to create a meatier texture. 

Learn how the different types of tofu can be used to create different dishes. For example, soft tofu can be used in desserts and smoothies, firm tofu can be used to replicate meat and marinating tofu will give your dish plenty of flavor.

Nutritional Balance

Plant-based cooking offers a wide array of nutrients, but it's essential to ensure balance in your meals. Incorporate a variety of colors on your plate, and be mindful of getting a mix of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates from plant sources. Think about eating all the colors of the rainbow and foods with minimal processing for maximum nutrients.

With these tips, you're well on your way to becoming a plant-based culinary expert. Embrace the journey, savor the experimentation, and relish in the joy of creating delicious, meals that nourish both body and soul. 

Unleash your inner veg!

Inspiring confidence to thrive in a plant-based lifestyle!


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